1.PROTECTS THE MOTHER NATURALLY:Breastfeeding helps to protect the mother in several ways.Studies shows that breastfeeding your baby for three months will give protection from breast cancer before menopause of a woman,the risk would be reduced by half (50%). It also helps to protect a woman from ovarian cancer.You are less risk from Osteoporosis if you do not have.
Although your calcium level in the bones get low while breastfeeding but your bone Mineralisation is improved, and by six months after weaning your calcium level would be higher than before.It protects a woman from Hip fractures,breastfeeding has been proven that a woman who has not breastfeeded has twice the risk of hip fracture than a woman who has breastfeeded a baby.
2.BEST FOR BABY'S GROWTH:Formula milk can copy some of the basic nutrient in breast milk,but there are a lot of properties in the breast milk which just cannot be copied.Studies have shown that breast milk is important for the proper development of babies eyesight,especially if the baby is prematurely born.Most importantly,breast milk is uniquely designed to make sure that your baby's brain and central nervous system develops to their full potential.
3.IMPORTANT FOR HEALTH:Breastfeeding is very important to both the Mother and the Baby's health because the milk contains antibodies.Most importantly,breastfeeding protects your baby from stomach bugs which may lead to diarhoea.It also protest against breathing problems and chest infections which cause Wheezing such as Pneumonia,Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis.Scientific studies have found out that this protection can last for several years after breastfeeding has ended.Babies who are not exclusively breastfed for at least two months have high risk of developing insulin-dependent diabetes.Also,Babies who are not breastfed exclusively,that is without additional formula,until at least four months of age,have been noticed to surfer from half the number of war infections of those who are never breastfed.It also help to protect your baby from allergies like Asthma,Eczema.etc...It helps to reduce the serverity of these allergies if they do develop in your baby.
4.TONING YOUR BODY:Most women do not know that breastfeeding helps to naturally tone the body.Breastfeeding helps your body to recover rapidly from child's birth because hormones released when your baby sucks contract your uterus a bit more each time you feed,that same hormone is responsible in helping you tone and give strength to your muscles again.
Anytime you breastfeed you may find that you lose weight because breastfeeding uses up the fat stores you laid down your body in pregnancy.It is observerd that women who breasfed their babies for at least six months lost an average of 2kg more than women who did not breastfeed their babies during the first year of the baby's life.
NOTE:Some women only lose weight once they have finished breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding aids in relaxation and makes you feel calm because of your hormones that is active when the milk starts to flow,so you tend to relax and enjoy it.
5.IT IS PLEASURABLE AND REWARDING:This is a very important aspect to both the Mother and her baby because breastfeeding brings you close and builds a relationship with you and your baby.It feels good,warm,cool and comforting to you and as well your baby.Many women feel intense when they see their baby suckles and others feel a great sense of pride in seeing their baby growing strong and healthy on their natural milk alone.Lastly,You never have to look for Food or to keep your baby waiting,hungry and crying because there is always milk in your breast,always available to feed the Baby.
So Mothers please breastfeed your babies it doesn't only help them but it also helps you.
*Note*If you feel any intense pain or you have any disease please see your Doctor.Thank you.
Resource:Breastfeeding your Baby.
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